Awkward question, this. But: Do you have a written-down communications strategy?
Like, an actual document that exists somewhere?
If you ask your comms person if it exists, do they get a bit like one’s parents did about Santa Claus when one turned, say, seven…
“Oh, YES. Santa DEFINITELY exists. But let’s talk about what he’s going to BRING YOU.”
And then change the subject?
Then there’s the over-existence problem. I did once work with a chief executive who had no fewer than six communications strategies gathering dust on their server for each comms person who had thrown up their hands in frustration and walked off the job over the previous five years. But I’m asking if you have a current one that you can point to, which has been updated recently, and which is being followed.
How about an editorial calendar? A press list? A social media approvals process? Do you have those written down somewhere?
The reason I ask about such documents is that communications consultants like me are often good at asking questions to get at the heart of what it is you want to communicate. And why. But. Taking your answers and putting those into documents which get actioned and followed up on? Documents that live within your work and within your team in a way that’s helpful?
That’s the hard delivery work I apply myself to with reckless abandon. At helping you figure out what your priorities are within such documents, and understanding how to resource those so that your shot selection looks intentional, and you become known more for the thing you want to be known for.
That’s the goal of a communications strategy. I only raise all this because if you think you’re communicating well and that your organization is hitting its marks, from this perspective, then the answer to my opening question will be “yes.” Otherwise, you’re leaving opportunity on the table without necessarily realizing it. And we should probably talk.
A written down strategy is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to communicating with your audiences.
Sorry to be so direct about it. But I figured you value my candid advice, and sometimes there’s no value sugarcoating things. Also Santa definitely exists. If anyone asks.
Thanks for reading,
p.s. A quick ask; My business mainly grows on repeat clients and word of mouth. So you’d be paying me a great compliment and doing me the favor of the year by sharing this email with a receptive friend! They can check out my archive of free comms advice, and sign up for my weekly emails by clicking here.